Location: Philae, Temple of Isis, Second East Colonnade, North Doorway, inner side, north(facing south) Period: Ptolemy XIII Code: PhilTiSecnNBl061 Reference: hieroglyph + relief : Philae III, 61a-b, p.68 transliteration + translation: Philae III, 61a-b, pp. 151-53. Scene motif: squatted Miysis(M#ai-#hs#a) p_Toic: Miysis(M#ai-#hs#a) stand out agaisnt the enemies Topic: Hymn to Philae the town/island(?):Location being beautiful, Location emerging in the primeval time, location related with sailing during the Decade Festival 61 a 1 #dd mdw: 2 nfr.wj njw.t tn nfr.t 3 pri =s m nwn, 4 wbn =s m #xnw nwj, 5 xpr =s #dr b#a#h 6 n xpr jx.wt nb(.wt) rsj 7 jw t#a m kkw-sm#aw 8 jri =s J#a.t-N#trj(.t) n(.t) Nb.tj-[rxj.t] 9 Js.t, di(.t) anx, Nb(.t)-J#a.t-wab.t 10 jri =s Xai.t-Wr.t n.t Nswt-bjt 11 Wsjr (Wnn-nfrw mAa-xrw)|, N#tr-a#a, Nb-Snm.t 12 jri =s S.t-(s)sn#dm n.t Nb(.t)-t#a.wj m aq#a sn =s wr m S.t-w#a#h-jx.wt 13 jri =s mr.t nfr.t n(.t) n#tr.w nb(.w) 14 xnd =⌜sn jsk(?)⌝ r J#a.t-wab.t 61 b 1 jri =s paj n rsj xf#a#a.t ⌜m⌝ m#h.tj 2 jmn.tjt j#ab.tjt, mni =sn r dmj.t =s 3 #dm.t pw n.t Nb(.t)-p.t r sfsf ⌜#aw.t⌝ n sn =s tp sw m#d. 4 di jt =s #hapj a.wj =f(j) m p#xr =s r s#hrj(.t) sbj.w nb(.w) m sw#a.w =s 5 nm jri ji =f r thi .tw =s 6 jw wsr.t wr.tj Translation: 61a 1 Speaking of words: 2 O how beautiful is the perfect town 3 (that/) it comes out from the primeval water, 4 (that/)it shines in the flood 5 (that/)it came into existence in the beginning 6 when everything has not existed at all 7 when the earth was in primeval darkness. 8 It is the-Divine-Mound (heilige Stätte) of the-Double-Mistress-of-Rechit, 9 Isis, the-Life-Giver/(who is given life), the-Mistress-of-Abaton(the-Purified-Mound). 10 It is the-Greate-Apperance-Mound of the-King-of-Upper-and-Lower-Egypt, 11 Osiris, (Onnophris, the justified)|, the-Great-God, the-Lord-of-Senmet. 12 It is the-Place-of-Rest of the-Mistress-of-the-Two-Lands against her big brother in the-Place-of-Offering. 13 It is the beautiful bark of all the gods 14 when they sail to Abaton(the-Purified-Mound) 61b 1 It is the bank of the south and the shore of the north, 2 the west and the east lands at its harbor. 3 It is the throne of the-Mistress-of-the-Heaven to offer offering to her brother at the beginning of every 10 days. 4 Her father, the Nile, gives his two hands around her to expell all the evildoers from her surroundings. 5 Who will come so that it is damaged, 6 when the powerful one is powerful? specific mound: (8,3), I, J#a.t-N#trj(.t) (9,4), E, J#a.t-Wab.t, in Nb(.t)-J#a.t-wab.t, for Js.t (10,3), I, Xai.t-Wr.t (14,5), I, J#a.t-wab.t other toponyms comparbale to mound has not been marked out