#place: Dendera #temple: Temple of Hathor #location: Sanctuary #wall: Facade, facing south #scene: Eastern side, 4th register #Period: Ptolemaic Period? (Not indicated) #code: DndeThXXYYY #pub_inscription: Dend I, 5. #pub_relief: Only texts. #pub_transliteration: Dend I Trad, 16 and 18 #pub_translation: Dend I Trad, 17 and 19 # Scene motif: none (only long texts are inscribed). # P_Topic: # Topic: May Hathor, the-Mistress-of-Dendera and other goddesses wake up in peace # F_Topic: # transliteration: 1 * [[Horizontal line]] May Hathor, the-Mistress-of-Dendera wake up in peace 2 * [[Horizontal line]] The gods rise early to adore Hathor every day 3 * [[Columns]] May the goddesses the-Ureaeus-of-Re, Isis-the-Great, the-Eye-of-Re, the-Menit-Necklace-in-the-Temple-of-Menit-Necklace, Sekhmet-the-Great, Bastet-in-the-Arable-Land and Wadjet wake up in peace 4 [[(Dend I, 5, 14; column) May Heqat wake up in peace]] #Hq#a.t-m-Jw-nsrsr. [[(Epithets of Heqat) the-Musician-in-Hermopolis-with-These-Eight-Faces, the-Noble-One-in-the-Middle-of-{…} 5 rs =t {m} #htp tw 6 * [[Columns]] May the-One-Who-Pours-the-Flood-out-of-Its-Cave-to-Flood-the-Two-Lands wake up in peace # Translation: 4 Heqet-on-the-Flame-Island specific mound: (4,3), N, Jw-nsrsr, in #Hq#a.t-m-Jw-nsrsr.