#place: Philae #temple: Temple of Isis #location: Second East Colonnade, North Doorway, #wall: inner side, facing south #scene: 682 #Period: Ptolemy XIII (?) #code: PhilTiXXYYY #pub_inscription: Philae III, 61a-b, p.68. #pub_relief: Philae III, 61a-b, p.68. #pub_transliteration: Philae III, 61a-b, pp. 151-53. #pub_translation: Philae III, 61a-b, pp. 151-53. # Scene motif: squatted Miysis(M#ai-#hs#a) # P_Topic: Miysis(M#ai-#hs#a) stand out agaisnt the enemies # Topic: Hymn to Philae the town/island(?):Location being beautiful, Location emerging in the primeval time, location related with sailing during the Decade Festival # F_Topic: # transliteration: 1 * [[(Philae III 61 a, right column) Speaking of words:]] nfr.wj njw.t tn nfr.t. 2 [[(Right column)]] pri =s m nwn, wbn =s m #xnw nwj, xpr =s #dr b#a#h, [[when everything has not existed at all, when the earth was in primeval darkness.]] 3 jri =s J#a.t-N#trj{.t}


Nb.tj{-rxj.t}. 4 [[(Right column; the name Isis and epithets of Isis) Isis, the-Life-Giver/(who is given life)]] Nb{.t}

-J#a.t-wab.t. 5 [[(Left column)]] jri =s Xai.t-Wr.t n.t Nswt-bjt. 6 * [[Left column]] the name Osiris and epithets of Osiris. 7 [[(Left column)]] jri =s S.t-{s}sn#dm n.t Nb{.t}

-t#a.wj m aq#a sn =s wr m S.t-w#a#h-jx.wt 8 [[(Left column)]] jri =s mr.t nfr.t n{.t}

n#tr.w nb{.w}

, xnd {=sn jsk(?)} r J#a.t-wab.t 9 [[(Philae III 61 b, column)]] jri =s paj n rsj xf#a#a.t {m} m#h.tj, [[the west and the east lands at its harbor.]] 10 [[(column)]] #dm.t pw n.t Nb{.t}

-p.t r sfsf {#aw.t} n sn =s tp sw m#d. 11 [[(column)]] di jt =s #hapj a.wj =f{j}

m p#xr =s r s#hrj{.t}

sbj.w nb{.w}

m sw#a.w =s. 12 [[(column)]] nm jri ji =f r thi .tw =s, [[when the powerful one is powerful]] Translation: 2 (that/) It comes out from the primeval water, (that/)it shines in the flood, (that/)it came into existence in the beginning 3 It is the-Divine-Mound (heilige Stätte) of the-Double-Mistress-of-Rechit. 4 the-Mistress-of-Abaton. 5 It is the-Greate-Apperance-Mound of the-King-of-Upper-and-Lower-Egypt. 7 It is the-Place-of-Rest of the-Mistress-of-the-Two-Lands against her big brother in the-Place-of-Offering. 8 It is the beautiful bark of all the gods, when they sail to Abaton(the-Purified-Mound) 9 It is the bank of the south and the shore of the north 10 It is the throne of the-Mistress-of-the-Heaven to offer offering to her brother at the beginning of every 10 days. 11 Her (Philae?) father, the Nile, gives his two hands around her to expell all the evildoers from her surroundings. 12 Who will come so that it(the temple islnad of Philae) is damaged # Specific mound: (3,3), I, J#a.t-N#trj.t (4,2), E, J#a.t-Wab.t, in Nb.t-J#a.t-wab.t, for Isis (5,3), I, Xai.t-Wr.t (8,12), I, J#a.t-wab.t other toponyms comparbale to mound has not been marked out