


Das Wort wird von Plinius dem Älteren zitierte:

Candidorum alterum vectigal in pluma. velluntur quibusdam locis bis anno, rursus plumigeri vestiuntur. mollior quae corpori proxima, et e Germania laudatissima. candidi ibi, verum minores; gantae 54vocantur; pretium plumae eorum in libras denarii quini. ( 1938, X 54)

White geese yield a second profit in their feathers.Goose feathers. In some places they are plucked twice a year, and clothe themselves again with a feather coat. The plumage closest to the body is softer, and that from Germany is most esteemed. The geese there are a bright white, but smaller; the German word for this bird is Gans; the price of their feathers is five-pence per pound. ( 1938, X 54)

Es hat sich in altfra./mittelfra. jante, altokz. ganta ‚Gans‘, kat. ganta ‚Reiher‘ sowie in wenigen fra. Dialektformen erhalten. (vgl. FEW 16, 12 f., s.v. ganta).

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Pliny the Elder (1938): Natural History. Cambridge, Mass.: Havard University Press: Digital Loeb Classical Library.

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